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More Than Half of the Early Rice Harvested in Hubei

Views: 2     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2022-07-20      Origin: Site

More Than Half of the Early Rice Harvested in Hubei

In the past few days, early rice production areas in Hubei have successively opened sickles. At present, the harvest progress is more than halfway through, and the overall progress is smooth. It is expected to achieve a new round of bumper harvest following the good news of the wheat harvest.

In Huangxiekou Town, Jianli City, Jingzhou City, in the more than 200 acres of early rice fields of the Essence Rice Cooperative, the harvester shuttles back and forth. After packing, weighing, and checking the moisture, the yield per mu is 536 kilograms, which makes the chairman of the cooperative Bi Lixia very happy.

According to the latest agricultural situation scheduling, this year, the harvest of early rice in Hubei has reached 1.06 million mu, accounting for 56% of the total area of early rice in the province.

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